June 2017 Newsletter
2017 Program Timetable
The committee have reviewed the program times for this year’s standard program and the respective meeting location in order to establish a single meeting point at the base of the mountain thus extending on snow instruction by 1 hour per day which totals 6 hours.
8.15am (onward) Meet at Friday Flat clocktower
8.30am Depart with respective group instructor
11.30am (1/2hr) Lunch break Margie's group
12.00pm (1/2hr) Lunch break Damien and Manuel Group
3.00pm Return to Friday flat clocktower
First Time with St Moritiz?
Frequently asked Questions & Answers
What is the Starting date?
The first day of the 2017 Standard & ID Program is Sunday June 25th
Where do we meet?
At the Friday Flat Clock Tower from 8.15am onward ready for an 8.30am departure. Parents please remain with your child until the mountain man or instructors arrive.
What do I bring?
Your helmet, ski’s, stocks, boots, gloves, goggles, Club Jacket & a strong backpack with your lunch. We suggest suntan lotion and spare gloves and socks. Don’t forget your lift pass!
Remember - No helmet means No ski.
What happens if I do not have a Club jacket yet?
If you have not received a jacket don’t worry, jackets will be available on the first day at the meeting point.
Who is the mountain man?
The mountain man is your point of contact on the Slopes for Parents, Instructors and Children. The mountain man will take all the backpacks up to the clubhouse for you.
The Mountain man this year is David Van Der Plaat, his contact number is 0401 877 552.
Parents & Children please put this number into your phone and also the contact number of other Committee members.
The mountain man backup this year is Michael Di Ramio 0421 611 404 & Alyson Deane 0419 271 276.
What happens if I am running late?
If you are running late please contact the mountain man or a committee member. The mountain man will arrange for a meeting time and location and ensures that the child is placed with their respective instructor.
What happens on the first day?
Children will be assessed by the head instructor and placed into their respective group.
What time do we have lunch?
Lunch is staggered due to the size of the clubhouse which is situated at the top of the Merritts chairlift.
Margie's group will lunch @ 11.30am. Damien and Manuels group will lunch @ 12.00pm.
We have a sandwich press, & microwave in the clubhouse. Parents are encouraged to meet with their children for lunch if they wish.
What time do we finish?
Children will be brought off the mountain to the Friday Flat clocktower @ 3.00pm. Parents will meet and collect their children from the clocktower.
The mountain man will remain with the children until they have been collected by their parents.
Meet the Instructors
They're back!....................Once again this year sees the return of Damien, Margie and Manuel.
We are a family club & the commitment by these instructors to St Moritz provides consistency, stability and a safe environment for the children.
Unfortunately Michael Milton could not return this year due to a heavy work schedule & prior commitments with Thredbo & Interschools however he sends his best wishes and if he spots you on the mountain he will definitely say hi!
2017 Fees
Program and membership fees are due, please ensure that payment is made prior to Sunday June 25th. If you have not collected your jacket and will be collecting it on the first day please ensure that you bring $50 for deposit on the jacket which will be refunded on return at the end of the season.
Parent Lessons
Over many years Thredbo St Moritz parents have been joining in their own lessons and Michele Miller is organising these this year. You can be of any level, beginner to experienced, as we usually get enough to make a number of groups and will fit you in with other parents of similar levels.
The lessons are held on Sundays and we have a roster system so everyone has a mix of time slots, but each 2 hour lesson would start approximately 9am / 11am / 1.30pm. This is all dependent on who the instructor is and what their availability is and also how many parents want to join in. The lessons usually cost around $65 per lesson and numbers are limited to approximately 4 parents per lesson, with about 3 to 4 lessons over the season.
As the season has already kicked off, we need your answer pretty quickly please. So if you are interested in joining in, please contact Michele directly on email: michele_c_miller@yahoo.com.au or 0400 479 078 by Friday 23rd June.
Rhythm Snowsports
Rhythm Snowsports have been a sponsor and supporter of Thredbo St Moritz for many years.
As a member of Thredbo St Moritz you receive 20% off your purchase in store, so don’t forget to ask!
P.S: wearing your Club jacket helps! Support the sponsors whom support your club!
Thredbo have supported the club since 1982, they provide us with a clubhouse, instructors and support when required.
Please ensure that the clubhouse, entry and area directly outside is kept clean & tidy.
As this area is used by other patrons please do not leave any equipment lying around on the ground.
Club Merchandise
Wear it with pride!
New for 2017 club merchandise is available to purchase through Club President Alyson Deane. This merchandise includes club caps, flat caps and hoodies.
All profit is returned to the club to assist in maintenance, equipment purchase, programs and events.
Your 2017 Committee
President: Alyson Deane 0419 271276
Vice President: Nick Kirshner 0416 287 829
Secretary: Michael Di Ramio 0421 611 404
Treasurer: Jono Forrest 0429 689 615
Media Officer: Christie Glasson 0401 677 079
Media Officer: Jude Little 0416 292 934
Mountain MAN: David Van Der Plaat 0401 877 552
Equipment Manager: Jack Glasson 0401 677 079
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the mountain on Sunday 25th!